If you’re planning to travel anywhere tropical or sub-tropical, there’s a good chance you’ll be at risk for dengue fever. Also known as “breakbone fever,” dengue is the most common mosquito borne disease in humans. You don’t need to be exploring jungles to be at risk...
Our clients are often surprised to hear about the risk of rabies during their travel consults. It’s something we rarely need to think about living in BC, so the idea of a dog, cat, or monkey bite being potentially fatal is something that often doesn’t cross a person’s...
This year’s Hajj takes place in Saudi Arabia from June 14th to 19th, 2024. Hajj is the annual Islamic sacred pilgrimage to Mecca. Millions of Muslims from around the world gather each year in Mecca, the holy city for Muslims. It is one of the largest mass gatherings...
While the Public Health Agency of Canada recommends a pneumonia vaccine for all adults over 65 years of age, we often hear from clients that they aren’t interested in this vaccine because they consider themselves healthy. However, that is exactly what the Prevnar20...
Whether you travel for work or for fun, keeping your health at the forefront is essential. One key aspect of travel health involves vaccinations, which can prevent diseases found in specific regions of the world. This blog post will detail the recommended travel...
Booking appointments and not knowing what to expect can be an intimidating experience. Especially when an appointment is not a regular occurrence. We know what that feeling is like, which is why we want you to be prepared when you book an appointment with us! In our...