What is it?

Rubella is a viral infection caused by the rubella virus that mainly affects the skin and lymph nodes

What are the symptoms?

Mild fever, swollen, tender lymph nodes in the back of the neck

A pink rash that starts on the face and spreads downwards over the body

The rash can be itchy and usually lasts for 3 days

Someone who is infected but has no symptoms can still spread the virus

Rubella is a serious medical concern when it infects a pregnant woman

The virus can cause miscarriages, stillbirths and congenital rubella syndrome (CRS)

Symptoms develop 2-3 weeks after exposure to rubella

How can I contract rubella?

You can get rubella if you breathe in the respiratory droplets from an infected person

For example, when someone coughs, sneezes or laughs or if you accidentally transfer viruses from these droplets to your nose, mouth or eyes

Rubella is highly contagious

Where can I contract it?

Rubella occurs worldwide

What vaccines are available?

Children born in Canada receive the rubella vaccine as part of the measles mumps rubella (MMR) immunization

Since 1996 children get 2 doses at age 1 and 5

Adults who did not have the disease in childhood or only got 1 shot as a child can also get the shot If you are pregnant you should not get the vaccine

How many shots will I need?

In British Columbia, it is recommended that people born after 1956 get 2 doses of the vaccine

Will I need a booster?

Not if you have had 2 shots

How can I prevent rubella?

Immunization is the most effective way of preventing rubella infection

What is the treatment?

Supportive and symptomatic treatment

There is no specific treatment

Stay home for at least a week until the symptoms disappear to avoid infecting other people

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